Monday, 6 March 2017

North American Blockhouse 2

Work continues on the blockhouse with the roof being tidied up (slightly) and most the paint work being completed. Some touch ups and refinements are required but it is taking its final shape. I tried for a weathered look to the timbers, I am not sure that I fully achieved this but they seem rather reasonable in tone. The base is painted in the same manner as the infantry (both the Indian, French and eventually British), While this makes the blockhouse seem rather dark when flocked etc it should be far better. I am reasonably happy with how the painting came out although the palisade made reaching certain point (especially under the fighting platform) rather difficult.

If I was to attempt the project again I believe keeping the block house separate from the palisade and base to facilitate easier painting. While it may make construction a little more tricky the effort saved in painting would more than make up for it.

The view inside the palisade and fighting platform. The door to the blockhouse itself can be clearly seen.

I have also attempted to tidy up the roof somewhat and while it is better than it was it is still not quite up to par. It will do for now, however I shall build a better, non rushed, version in the future. The base needs to be flocked and 'tufted', if there is such a word. I am undecided on what else to add to the base, as it is quite a large area and may look a little barren without something else. My British allied Indians (which are yet to be posted) have fallen/brown leaves due to the predominantly forested areas they would fight. It is tempting to to this for the blockhouse as well. However, I have yet to develop a method of placement that appears natural rather than odd clumps of leaves. I believe some practice and trial runs may be in order!

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