Wednesday 9 November 2016

Basing Miniatures

Having completed the first 12 Romano-Britons the matter arises of basing the figures. I am not a very competent 'baser' of models. They either appear too plain or I think they appear too crowded or somehow artificial feeling. I struggle with making the scenes seem natural. There is one exception my Beitland AK47 army (in 15mm and can be seen in the archives). I feel that I did a relatively decent job at making the Southern African veld. This, however, was rather simple; merely static grass, tufts and a clump foliage.

In an effort to combat this lack of creativity I have ordered some more grass tufts of various greens, browns and even some heather. The theme for the basing will be some based around Upland/moor areas. 

The problem arises when trying to tie all these features together. Generally this would be done through static grass. I am however generally unhappy with static grass that is available as I find it far too green. I have found a more muted type but in some cases (and on some figures) it seems far too dull. It seems rather difficult to find a statc grass of the correct colour. My experimentations in individual blends have also been met with such failures. While nothing that I have done looks bad, it is not at the level which I desire.

I believe some more practice/blending is required in order to fully get a handle over this material. I would welcome any advice or help in regards to this matter.

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