Saturday 5 November 2016

Romano British 3

First of all apologies for no update yesterday, my Internet connection had some serious problems.

Today's update shall be a a few work in progress of the state of my Romano British forces. It shall also be a general showcase for the army as many miniatures do not have any paint yet (outside of undercoat).

 First of all the armoured infantry of which twelve are shown here from a total of 20.

Armoured Comitantenses/Milites

Second the unarmoured infantry of which 19 are shown from a total of 20 (the musician is missing currently).

Unarmoured Infantry

Lastly the heavy cavalry and general/magister militum.

General and his personal standard bearer.

The heavy cavalry

The force also includes 2x20 militia/poor infantry and a number of archers (numbering 18 currently assembled). Pictures for these units shall go up in due time.

All the figures are Footsore Miniatures (formerly Musketeer). Shield transfers have been ordered from Little Big Men Studios and should hopefully arrive soon. I have been finding that the are an absolute joy to paint. I am unsure whether it is the relatively simple uncluttered sculpting and the slightly chunky nature but they look rather good even with only a few colours.

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